Frequent Questions
What’s your refund policy?
We stand firmly behind our products. If, within 14 days of purchase, you find our product unsuitable and are unhappy with your experience, we will gladly refund your money.
Is it necessary to renew my license every year?
No, it is not necessary to renew your license every year. Websites you’ve used LatePoint on will continue to function without any issues. For annual license holders, renewal is required solely for updates and ongoing support from our team. Lifetime customers enjoy the assurance of lifetime updates and support from us.
Can I upgrade to a different plan at a later time?
Yes, you can upgrade to a different plan at any time. Our plans offer the flexibility for users to adjust their subscription based on their evolving needs. To upgrade, you can visit the Upgrades page in your accounts section on our store, where you’ll find options to upgrade your license at a prorated rate.
Is there a difference in features between plans?
No, we don't feature lock you based on plan, all plans get access to all available features. The only difference between our plans is the number of sites you can activate a license on.